Corkagh Park is located near the Naas road stretching towards Clondalkin. Opened to the public in 1986, it consists of 120 hectares and was formerly part of Corkagh Demesne. There are many amenities in the park including an adjacent caravan park:
Corkagh Park Enhancements
The Part 8 Planning Procedure for Proposed Enhancements and Upgrades at Corkagh Park was advertised for public consultation in 2021 and passed by the Council in February 2022. The proposals included the following works within the park; which were summarised in the following report displayed at Part 8 Stage (in addition to the other detailed information): Corkagh Park Part VIII Summary of Proposals.pdf (
The link to the Part 8 planning documents is available here:
The masterplan proposals for the upgrade of Corkagh Park includes the following-
- Provision of wayfinding and signage installations;
- Construction of a new ‘hub zone’ to include a Café building with 10 no. public toilets, kitchen, storage, serving area and internal seating; multi-use events space with a stage and hard-standing area; soft-landscaping with formal seating areas; picnic areas; amenity lawn; mounds; incidental play area; and planting;
- Removal and replacement of trees that are in poor health or pose a risk to safety;
- Upgrading of St. John’s Wood Car Park to include resurfacing; improved pedestrian links and footpaths.
- Upgrading and extension of Green Isle Car Park and park entrance to include relocation and widening of existing entrance.
- Enhancements to the Fairy Woodland Trail including new play features; new seating; new pedestrian link from the lakes; retention and protection of existing mature trees.
- Upgrading of entrance and construction of a new footpath linking existing car park to the Outer Ring Road; future-proofing for EV charging points and extension of car park; and 11m high arrival beacon at Outer Ring Road Entrance;
- Provision of a new pedestrian link between the Camac Valley Camping Park and Corkagh Park;
- Enhancements to pedestrian entrance and boundary at St. John’s Wood Drive
- Proposed planting, furniture and landscape works associated with the proposed development.
- All associated and ancillary site works associated with the proposed development.
Work carried out to date
Main construction work began on site in August 2023 and will continue for a period of approximately 18 months.
As Corkagh Park is a historic landscape, careful attention was made where there is an intention to carry out any work that involve excavations. The archaeological works completed in 2023 were part of the enabling works for the Corkagh Park masterplan. It was particularly required in the centre of the park as there are two archaeological monuments at that location (a Castle and a Moated Site). There is little evidence of them above ground (Corkagh Park Demesne House and Farm Buildings were built in the same area during a later period). However, as digging will occur in the area, archaeological investigations were required to make sure to avoid impacting on anything that might still remain under the ground. Following initial investigations in Spring 2023, archaeologists carried out further excavations in July, directly south of the depot area, under an archaeological licence granted by The National Monuments Service. This has uncovered the area to allow the ground to be fully surveyed.
Work on the hub zone area including the café building has commenced and will progress through 2024. Please note that this work has restricted access to the park toilets, however alternative portable toilets are provided nearby for public use. The play units for the Fairy Woodland Trail were put in place late last year and ground works will be carried out in 2024.
Latest News
*Carpark Restrictions!*
Work on the upgrade of the St. John’s Carpark in Corkagh Park began in November with some reduction in carparking spaces. In order to continue the work to completion it is now necessary to close the entire facility. From 8th January 2025 the carpark will no longer be available and visitors are asked to use alternative carparks at the recently upgraded Green Isle Road entrance or the Outer Ring Road entrance. Works are expected to be completed at the end of the month, depending on favourable weather and ground conditions.
South Dublin County Council apologises for any inconvenience to the public that may arise during these upcoming works.
The history of Corkagh Park
Read here
Entering the park from St. Johns entrance
Link to iWalks recording on SoundCloud for Corkagh Park, entering from the St. John's entrance
Entering the park from the Naas Road entrance
Link to iWalks recording on SoundCloud for Corkagh Park, entering from the Naas road
Opening Hours
November, December and January 10.00am - 5.00pm,
February and March 10.00am - 6.00pm,
April and October 10.00am - 7.00pm,
May and September 10.00am - 8.00pm,
June, July and August 10.00am - 9.00pm