Keep Well
Keep Well Campaign
South Dublin County Council is offering a range of activities and resources as part of a new 'Keep Well' initiative, launched by An Taoiseach Michael Martin on 29 October 2020. Keep Well builds on the “In This Together” campaign which happened earlier in the year.
The campaign aims to help everyone in Ireland to Stay Connected, Stay Active, and look after their Mental Health throughout the Covid-19 Emergency.
The Government Plan for Living with Covid-19 Resilience and Recovery 2020-21 highlights the important role that individual and community resilience will play in contributing to our ongoing response to Covid-19.
This campaign is aimed at showing people of all ages how we can mind our own physical and mental health and wellbeing by adding healthy and helpful habits to our daily and weekly routines. It will provide guidelines, information, and tips on how we can make a plan to do things that are good for us every day.
The campaign in South Dublin County draws together a huge range of activities that you can pursue in your home or your locality, by yourself or with family members or with friends online. There are ideas and activities for people of all ages.