
Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas

Architectural Conservation Areas

What is an Architectural Conservation Area?

An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of building lines and heights, that is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or that contributes to the appreciation of a protected structure, and whose character it is an objective of a development plan to preserve.

(1) An area of special planning control (ASPC) is all, or part, of an ACA which a planning authority considers of special importance to, or as respects, the civic life or the architectural, historical, cultural or social character of a city or town in which it is situated.

(2) A planning authority recognises, by making provision in the development plan for the protection of these areas, that in many cases, the protection of the architectural heritage is best achieved by controlling and guiding change on a wider scale than the individual structure, in order to retain the overall architectural or historic character of an area.

ACA policies should be supported by, and be consistent with, other policies of the development plan especially those relating to development control. An objective to preserve the character of an ACA, once approved by the elected members of a council, carries through from development plan to development plan and remains an objective of the planning authority unless subsequently modified by the members.

Development requirements within an ACA and the requirements under Act

The legislation relating to ACA’s is contained in Chapter II of Part IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000.  Greater detail with regard to legislation is contained in the ACA’s leaflets below.

ACAs in the County

There are presently five Architectural Conservation Areas in the South County Dublin’s Administrative Area.  Clondalkin, Lucan, Palmerstown, Rathfarnham and Tallaght were designated as Architectural Conservation Areas in the South Dublin County Development Plan 2004-2010.  All five documents are available below.  Under the review of the County Development Plan there have been additional areas designated as Architectural Conservation Areas to include the following:

The following Architectural Conservation Areas are designated under the County Development Plan 2016-2022

-Rathcoole Village
-Newcastle Village
-Riverside Cottages, Templeogue
-Saint Patricks Cottages, Grange Road, Rathfarnham
-Whitechurch Road and Taylors Lane Cottages, Rathfarnham
-Balrothery Cottages,
-Boden Village Cottages, Ballyboden
-Lucan Village
-Clondalkin Village
-Palmerstone Lower (Mill Complex)
-Rathfarnham Village/Willbrook
-Tallaght Village

Grants & Funding relating to Protected Structures and/or Historic Built Environment

Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2023

Structures at Risk Fund (SRF) 2023

 Details are on our website re application form and conditions of the grant schemes.  The grant schemes for Protected Structures including buildings within Architectural Conservation Areas are funded by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and administered by the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer.

Advice Information and Publications –Architectural Protection and Policy

If you have any further queries with regard to Architectural Conservation or the protection of our Historic Built Environment please contact the undersigned.

 Ms. Irenie McLoughlin

Architectural Conservation Officer

South Dublin County Council,

County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

Direct line: T +353 1 414 9086| F +353 1 414 9104
