Major Bridge Rehabilitation works on N7, Tay Lane Footbridge
South Dublin County Council wish to advise that essential bridge rehabilitation works are expected to commence at the N7, Tay Lane Footbridge on week commencing the 13th May 2024.
The major bridge rehabilitation works, which are being funded by Transport Infrastructure Ireland, will consist of the removal of the stairs, ramps, bridge deck & pylon off-site to facilitate the re-painting of steelwork, re-surfacing of the entire bridge and addressing drainage issues.
To facilitate the works, the approach ramps will be removed in May 2024 – pedestrian traffic can continue to use the stairs and bridge deck as normal after this date (with the exception of wheelchair users who for whom a diversion route will be signposted).
The remainder of the structure (stairs, deck & pylon) will be removed on the 26th of June 2024. From this point a closure of the footbridge will come into effect and a diversion route will be signposted for all pedestrian traffic.
In September 2024, the bridge deck, pylon & ramps will be re-instated allowing the footbridge to be fully opened to all pedestrian traffic.
It is envisaged that the stairs will be re-instated in October 2024.
To facilitate the removal and subsequent re-instatement of the footbridge, closures of the N7 will be required. Appropriate diversion routes will be signposted.
South Dublin County Council would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused to the public as a consequence of these essential bridge rehabilitation works.
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