
Paying Your Rent

Paying your Rent

How do I check the balance on my rent account?

You can check the balance on your rent account and view your rent statement by registering and logging on to our housing online portal.  (To create an account, select “create an account.”) Instruction videos are available by clicking here.


Do I have to tell the Council if my circumstances change?

Yes, you must tell us immediately about any changes to you or your household’s circumstances. This means you must tell us when someone in your home:

  • gets a job
  • loses a job
  • moves out (you will have to provide us with proof of their new address)
  • starts claiming a social welfare payment
  • income goes up or down
  • dies
  • is born
  • reaches 18 years of age
  • moves into your home (they must get permission from South Dublin County Council to move into your home).


How do I tell the Council when my circumstances change?

You can tell us about the change by downloading and filling out the relevant rents form (below) and emailing any required documents to hrent@sdublincoco.ie

When we receive these documents, we will adjust your rent from the date they are received where applicable. We will also tell you what additional documents we need from you so that we can bring your rent account up to date.


How do I pay my rent?

  • If you receive a Social Welfare payment through An Post and collect your payment at the post office, you can pay your rent using household budget. You can download the Household Budget form here.
  • You can use your rent payment card in any post office or any shop displaying the Postpoint sign.
  • You can pay by standing order through your bank or building society by filling in a standing order form.
  • You can contact our payments office on 01 414 9121 and pay over the phone with a credit or debit card.
  • You can make a “quick pay” payment online using a debit / credit card here


I want to include someone on my rent who is living in my home. How do I notify the Council?

You must complete an Inclusion on rent application formbefore the person moves in, and in some cases, you must sign a declaration in the presence of a member of the rents team. Where approval is given, the revised rent will be assessed from the date of approval, or date of recorded occupancy, whichever is the earlier. Inclusion on rent does not automatically entitle a person to succeed the tenancy. Succession of tenancy is in line with South Dublin County Council’s Scheme of Letting Priority. RAS tenants are also required to provide a letter from their landlord giving permission for the additional person to reside at the property.


I want to remove someone from my rent who has moved out of my home. How do I notify the Council?

You must complete a removal from rent application form and send documentary evidence of their new address to the Rents office. The person will only be removed from the rent from the date that the evidence is received into the Rents office.


What do I do if I can’t pay my rent?

If you get into difficulty paying your rent or think you might get into difficulty, please contact us immediately. We are here to help you.


What can I do if I am in arrears (owe rent)?

You must arrange to pay what you owe by paying more than your weekly rent each week. It is important that you make an agreement with the Debt Management Unit about how to pay rent owed in this way – and that you stick to this agreement. If you are in arrears (owe rent), the sooner you tackle the problem, the better. You can contact the Debt Management Unit section by emailing dmuhousing@sdublincoco.ie


You can also contact The Money Advice Budgeting Service (MABS) for independent advice: Tel 0761 07 2000. Website : Dublin South MABS, Clondalkin - MABS           


What can I do if my rent account is in credit?

Refunds will be granted by request, where a credit is due, following a reassessment of household income. To apply, please complete the refund form.


How do I contact the rents team?

We hope this information has been helpful. We are here to help with any questions you may have about your rent. You can contact us by emailing hrent@sdublincoco.ie or by phoning 01 414 9000. Meeting with a member of the team is by appointment only.


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Data gathered is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the exercise of official authority vested in South Dublin County Council in accordance with Article 6(1) of the GDPR. The exercise of official authority is provided for under the Housing Acts 1966 to 2014 and in respect of the information sought here, section 32 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009.  Details of the Councils Data Privacy Statement can be located on our website at personal-data-privacy-statement.pdf (sdcc.ie)

Section 261 of the Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 2005 allows for the exchange of information between Government Departments, the Revenue Commissioners, and specified organisations such South Dublin County Council. Section 265 of the same Act allows the Council to access or to verify information which has been provided by the Tenant with the Department of Social Protection records for the purpose of calculating rents and so on. This does not affect the Tenant’s access rights to their personal data under Chapter 3 of the GDPR.

Please see a list of Rent forms below.


  1. Differential Rent Scheme.


  1. Rent assessment form.


  1. Standing Order form.


  1. An Post household budget form.


  1. Inclusion on rent form.


  1. Removal of household member form.


  1. Refund application form.