
Creative Ireland

Creative Ireland

Advancing Creative Communities in South Dublin County

February 2023 saw the launch of South Dublin County’s five year Cultural and Creativity Strategy 2023-2027 under the Creative Ireland programme. Download here: South-Dublin-1.pdf (


Find out more about the Creative Ireland South Dublin programme on:


Creative Ireland South Dublin Mural Award 2024 is now open for applications

Creative Ireland South Dublin is currently inviting proposals from youth and community organisations, based in South Dublin County Council administrative area to deliver a mural artwork in their local areas.

In 2024 €16,000 will be available for two Mural Artworks involving community co-design and participation with the artist.


Organisations applying for funding must:

-Identify a site for the artwork

-Identify and confirm an artist to design and produce the Artwork.

-Confirm permission for an artwork at the proposed site.

-Demonstrate a clear purpose for the artwork i.e. to engage with the community, to highlight a topic, to visually enhance the site.

-Provide a clear project plan and budget


Planning permission is required for an exterior mural, as such the usual statutory requirement would have to be met (site notice, newspaper notices, application form, site location map, scaled drawings of proposals complying with planning and development regulations 2001). Include a letter of consent from the owner with the planning application documents. please see: Make a Planning Application - SDCC



Creative Ireland is a cultural and creativity-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing, social cohesion and economic development. Diversity and Inclusion underpin the Creative Ireland South Dublin Programme. For more information see South Dublin County Cultural and Creativity Strategy 2023-2027


NB: The Creative Ireland logo and South Dublin County Council logo must be visible on websites, programmes, posters, social media and any other promotional tools used to promote the project.

Any promotional material and press releases in relation to the mural should include the following acknowledgement: ‘This (Project name) is supported by the Creative Ireland Programme South Dublin’.


General Queries to Creative Communities Engagement Officer:


-Applicants and the proposed artwork must be based in the South Dublin County Council Administrative area.

-Applicant organisations/artists will not be awarded funding for two consecutive years.

-One application per organisation will be accepted


Apply here:

Closing date is Friday 26th July @ 3pm