
Local Community Development Committee

Local Community Development Committee

The South Dublin County Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) was established in 2013 for the purposes of developing, coordinating and implementing a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development in the County. The LCDC brings together local authority members and officials, representatives from State agencies, the Local Development Company, and the Public Participation Network.

There are 19 members of the South Dublin LCDC. The current membership includes:

Edel Clancy

Chief Officer, South Dublin County LCDC

Maria Nugent

LCDC Coordinator

Elaine Leech

Director of Services, SDCC

Thomas Rooney

Local Enterprise Office

Tricia Nolan

Chair, South Dublin Volunteer Centre

Valerie Hogg – Vice Chair

Vice Chair, Adult Education Officer, Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board

Cllr. Yvonne Collins

Elected Representative

Cllr Sarah Barnes

Elected Representative

Cllr. Alan Hayes

Elected Representative

Simon Monds

South Dublin County Partnership

Margaret McQuillan

Health Service Executive

Andy Leeson

Youth Sector

Eugene Donnelly

Department Social Protection

Dr. Noel McCarthy

Community Representative

Helen Fitzgerald

Community Representative


Community Representative


Public Participation Network Environment Pillar

John Conroy

Public Participation Network- Community Pillar

Sean Farrell

Public Participation Network- Community Pillar

Sharon Harty

Public Participation Network- Social Inclusion Pillar

Noreen Byrne

Public Participation Network- Social Inclusion Pillar

Local Economic and Community Plan

A 6 year Local Economic and Community Plan was prepared by the LCDC and the Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee following an extensive consultation process in 2015.  The plan covers the period 2016 – 2021. A copy of the plan including the action plan for 2016 can be viewed here.

SICAP (Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme)

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2018 - 2022 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.

Administered by Pobal and funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Rural and Community Development, it also receives funding from the European Social Fund under the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.

SICAP addresses high and persistent levels of deprivation through targeted and innovative, locally led approaches. It supports disadvantaged communities and individuals including unemployed people, people living in deprived areas, people with disabilities, single parent families, people on a low income, members of the Traveller and Roma community and other disadvantaged groups.

The programme is managed at a local level by 33 LCDCs, with support from local authorities, and actions are delivered by Programme Implementers (PIs).

Programme Implementers work with marginalised communities and service providers using a community development approach to improve people's lives. For example, helping people to find work or to upskill, providing CV training or a personal development course, helping them onto a work placement programme such as CE or Tύs.

The Local Community Development Committee is responsible for awarding the SICAP contracts through a competitive process. South Dublin County Partnership (SDC Partnership) were appointed to run the 2018-2022 contract.

Information about the work of SICAP, can be found at:

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2018-2022 is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Rural and Community Development and co-funded by the European Social Fund under the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.


Dublin Rural LEADER 

Dublin Rural LEADER Website

Public Participation Network

Public Participation Network

Low-down on the LCDC Event November 2020

LCDC-5--Paula-Haverty-Presentation.pptx (size 19 MB)

Slaintecare videos