Official Opening of playspace at Lucan Demesne, Lucan
The Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Councillor Vicki Casserly officially opens the Playspace at Lucan Demesne, Lucan.
On Thursday 26th of September the Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Councillor Vicki Casserly officially opened the Playspace at Lucan Demesne; which has been delivered as part of South Dublin County Council’s Playspace programme.
Speaking at the event Mayor Vicki Casserly said;
“Play is recognised as a vital activity for healthy child development. Children also need contact with nature for their physical and mental wellbeing. The play trail in Lucan Demesne has been designed to encourage children to discover on the natural world around them and to interact with it. The play trail is laid out to encourage movement through the park. Each piece is designed to highlight a certain aspect of the natural world.
Unlike traditional playgrounds, where the adults sit and watch the children play, in Lucan Demesne everyone takes part in the experience. Everyone is getting exercise and fresh air.”
The Mayor went on to pay tribute to the local community for their support in both the development of this playground and their continued support of this valuable facility, and the work of the Council staff in managing the project and maintaining the playspace.
For further information contact: Communications Unit, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 at communications@sdublincoco.ie
Image: Cllr Vicki Casserly with her son Tom, Cllr Kenneth Egan with his daughter Kate and Cllr Emer Higgins at the official Playspace opening at Lucan Demsene.
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