Mayor officially opens the Teenspace at Bancroft Park
Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Councillor Emma Murphy officially opens the Teenspace at Bancroft Park
On Friday 30 June 2023 the Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Councillor Emma Murphy officially opened the Teenspace at Bancroft Park
Speaking at the event Mayor Cllr Emma Murphy said;
“ SDCC’s Teenspace Programme started after a county-wide consultation with teenagers, to find out what their needs are and how those needs can be best met in South Dublin. The delivery of the teenspaces responds to what the teenagers tell us in each area. I am delighted to see this project completed here in Bancroft Park and that it is getting such great use from the young people in the area. I particularly note the use of the basket swing, which seems to be a personal favourite amongst them. It’s a wonderful addition to Tallaght Village.”
The Mayor went on to pay tribute to the local community for their support and the work of Council staff in managing the project and maintaining the Teenspace.
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