Official Opening of the Multi Use Games Area at Avonbeg
Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Councillor Emma Murphy officially opens the Multi-Use Games Area at Avonbeg.
On Friday 30 June 2023 the Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Councillor Emma Murphy officially opened Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) in Avonbeg.
Speaking at the event Mayor Cllr Emma Muphy said;
“This new Multi-Use Games Area is part of SDCC’s teenspace programme which is underway across the county now. It is a very important programme as we know that the physical and mental well-being of teenagers is greatly enhanced by access to the outdoors, social contact, and physical activity.
In each location where a teenspace is proposed we engage directly with the young people in that area to see what activities and facilities they would like in their teenspace and this has resulted in the teenspace here at Avonbeg being a Multi-Use Games Area. The MUGA is a great addition to the local area alongside the playspace on the other side of the Community Centre. These facilities are essential for the younger population of the community.”
The Mayor went on to pay tribute to the local community and Dominic’s Community Centre for their support of MUGA and the work of Council staff in managing the project and maintaining the area.
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