Launch of South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028
**A live stream of the launch will take place via Facebook and Instagram at 3.00pm Friday 31st July 2020. Log onto South Dublin County Council’s Live Events Page https://www.sdcc.ie/en/services/our-council/live-events/live-events.html to attend the online launch**
The adoption of a County Development Plan is one of the responsibilities of a local authority. It is the document that sets out the spatial framework for the future growth of the County. Spatial framework simply means where, how and why development is constructed throughout the County.
The Development Plan must consider the social, economic and environmental aspects of our future development. That involves a careful balance of the ways in which we use our land. Finding that balance is not always easy. The first stage, the pre-draft, sets out the strategic context of the plan. It forms the framework into which objectives and policies at the later stages will sit. Public consultation at this first stage is an opportunity for everyone to input into the process.
Excerpts from the Issues Papers:
“The Plan will set out the strategy to
co-ordinate and prioritise areas of
population growth as South Dublin
moves towards an additional
80,000 people and 32,000 new
homes by 2040 in line with national
targets.” Issues Paper
“The development and completion of
the strategic development zones at
Adamstown and Clonburris will
provide for a significant part of our
growth while the regeneration of
lands within Tallaght and the Naas
Road area, where high quality public
transport already exists, will be
equally important in providing for
further compact growth within the
“By planning for great places in which
to live through high quality, well
designed and well-planned
neighbourhoods, we will enhance
the quality of life for existing and
future populations. The development
of such areas will require improved
public transport, high quality public
realm and green spaces, more
housing, jobs, community and
educational facilities alongside an
unprecedented level of essential
infrastructure delivery over the next
20 years.”
Why are changes made to the previous plan?
We all live in a world that is constantly changing, for example in the last 6 years we have emerged from the economic crash and Brexit, experienced industrial and population growth, the national and regional policy context has been changed by the National Planning Framework, the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan. All of these impact on the amount and location of future residential and other development across the County. Assessing and monitoring of the impact of climate change has now become a requirement of the Planning Act. More recently we have been faced with the implications of the SARS-CoV2 virus (Covid-19).
The County Development Plan must be a robust document that can meet the challenges we face in delivering sustainable development for all living and working within the county. The new County Development Plan 2022-2028 will reflect these and update the overall plan approach.
Why are we seeking public engagement? How can people engage? Why should they engage?
How we use our land, where we put housing, employment, and community facilities, is of relevance to people living and working in the County. The Plan will impact on how the county deals with climate change, how people move around the county, where people live and work and the quality of their lives. The County Development Plan is adopted by the elected representatives of South Dublin County Council on behalf of the people. It is of great importance that everyone makes their views known as early as possible so that their thoughts and ideas can feed into the plan making process. Everyone should engage in the process in order to get the best out of it and improve how people live and work within the county.
All information regarding the reviewing and preparation of the County Development Plan can be found at www.sdcc.ie/en/devplan2022 from the 31st July 2020 when the first 8-week public consultation for the plan making process will start.
Everyone is invited to make their thoughts and views known. There are two options available to do this, online and by post.
The options to get involved:
Online: https://consult.sdublincoco.ie/browse
Senior Executive Officer,
Forward Planning Section,
Land Use Planning and Transportation
South Dublin County Council,
County Hall, Tallaght,
D24 A3XC
The Eight Key Strategic Issues are:
How do we deliver higher densities in our county to facilitate compact growth patterns and reduce urban sprawl? What are the challenges we face in doing this?
When it comes to land use, what are the key actions we can take to reduce the impacts of climate change?
Where do we deliver our new housing without contributing to urban sprawl? How and where do we deliver housing to suit different needs?
What are the key transport and movement issues affecting residents, workers and visitors? What are the issues to overcome in moving from the private car to public transport or walking and cycling?
What measures should the plan put in place to ensure key community infrastructure is in place?
Where and what types of employment do we require in South Dublin over the next 6 years and beyond?
How can this plan contribute towards the development of a strong resilient economy?
How do we continue to develop the County while protecting and enhancing natural heritage and biodiversity?
What measures should the plan put in place to ensure needed physical infrastructure is in place to support people living and working in the county?
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