Expression of Interest: Africa Day Funding 2019
Expression of Interest: Africa Day Funding 2019
Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has supported the celebration of Africa Day in Ireland since 2007 by providing financial assistance to the organisation of events.
Community organisations are invited to express an interest in availing of a grant to a maximum value of €1,000 to organise a celebration of Africa Day in their local community under the following headings:
- African Culture
- African Heritage
- African Food
- African Entertainment
- African History
- African Community in Ireland
Please see link attached to complete your expression of interesthttps://secure.southdublin.ie/Forms/Item/48 -
Please Note: Closing date for receipt of expression of interest is 12.00 noon 26th April.
For further information please contact Adrienne Moloney, Senior Staff Officer or Donna O’ Reilly, Staff Officer, Social Inclusion Unit, Housing, Social and Community Development Department, South Dublin County Council, Tel: 01 414 9270 / 086 779 3429/ 086 185 0656 or email socialinclusionunit@sdublincoco.ie.
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