Dublin Community Clean-Up Day 2019
Dublin Community Clean-Up takes place from 11 AM on Saturday 27 April 2019, proudly supported by the four Dublin local authorities. Building on the success of previous calls to action – Dodder Action Day, Dublin Canals Action Day, Team Dublin Clean-up and Dublin Waters Action day – this year all four Dublin local authorities have come together to make this Dublin’s biggest volunteer clean-up. Any group of volunteers can be involved such as residents associations, youth groups, schools, sporting organisations, businesses, families, and anyone else who would like to contribute their time on the day. Why not get your family and friends to be a part of the action?
South Dublin County Council will provide all the equipment necessary, i.e. bags, litter pickers and gloves and will collect all the bags after the clean-up.
Registration is simple, just go to www.dublincommunitycleanupday.ie and fill in your details. Don’t forget to join the conversation on social media at #keepdublinbeautful. We would love to see your pictures during the clean-up day!
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