Chief Executive's Report - May 2024
14 May 24
South Dublin County Council’s Chief Executive’s Report is presented to elected members at Council every month and details important achievements across our various departments whilst highlighting key statistics and images from events that took place that month. The report also highlights major news pieces and puts a focus on an area of the Council that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.
This month's report includes news on-:
- Innovation Quarter Launch - The new Innovation Quarter in Tallaght will launch later this month with the opening of Work IQ, the Council’s new purpose-built innovation centre, and the completion of major public realm works
- 30 years of SDCC - With this year seeing the 30th anniversary of the creation of South Dublin County Council, we take a look back at the move to Tallaght in 1994.
- Official Openings at Airlie Park & Glenasmole - South Dublin County Council officially opened the new pavilion building at Airlie Park and the recent redevelopment of Glenasmole Community Centre
- Council Focus - Lucan House The forthcoming acquisition of Lucan House and Demesne by the Council presents a significant strategic opportunity for Lucan and the South Dublin County.
You can download or view a copy of the Chief Executive's Report by Clicking here
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