
Urban Form Framework

Urban Form Framework (UFDF)

Clonburris District Centre Urban Form Development Framework 2010

The Clonburris Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme was approved by An Bord Pleanála on the 5th of November 2008 in accordance with Section 169 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2007, subject to 30 no. conditions. Condition no. 4 required that, prior to any built development taking place in the centre, an Urban Form Development Framework be formulated in accordance with the Clonburris SDZ Planning Scheme. 

The Clonburris District Centre Urban Form Development Framework 2010 (UFDF) was prepared by South Dublin County Council, the Development Agency, with input from District Centre Landowners. The document was circulated to the major landowners in the UFDF area for perusal and agreement. As there was not an agreement among all District Centre landowners on all matters, the document was referred to An Bord Pleanála for determination.  

Consultation Process

South Dublin County Council as Planning Authority and Development Agency established a multi-discipline team to oversee the formulation of the Urban Form Development Framework. The team comprises the County Architect, SDZ Project Manager/Senior Planner, Project Planner, Project Engineer, Executive Planner and Urban Designer, Public Realm Officer and Assistant Planner. 


A separate team was established within the Council to carry out a Biodiversity Study for the UFDF area, to facilitate the preparation of the UFDF. The Biodiversity team comprises the Council’s Heritage Officer and Senior Executive Planner, with input from a specialist ecology consultant.


To address the potentially complicated nature of working with multiple landowners/developers in producing a single development framework, South Dublin County Council approached the task by inviting principal landowners to attend a series of workshops. Landowners were invited to appoint a single team/enabler to work, on the landowner’s behalf, in conjunction with the Council’s team on engineering, urban design and commercial considerations. It was envisaged that these initiatives would facilitate a collaborative approach.

Four workshops took place on 26th May 2009, 23rd June 2009, 7th July 2009 and 18th August 2009. The landowners did not appoint a single team/enabler to work on their behalf and the process did not lead to a collaborative approach.

In August 2009, the workshop process was terminated.

Draft UFDF

South Dublin County Council developed the draft UFDF independently between August 2009 and February 2010.

The draft UFDF was presented to Clonburris Landowners by South Dublin County Council on 17th February 2010. Invitations were issued to the principal landowners within the Strategic Development Zone area. All six principal landowners: Treasury Holdings Ltd; Dietacarron Ltd; Burris Property Company Ltd; Kelland Homes Ltd; and the Heapes Family attended the presentation.

The draft UFDF was presented to principal stakeholders by South Dublin County Council on 18th February 2010. Invitations were issued to: the Railway Procurement Agency; Bord Gais; Waterways Ireland; Dept of Environment; National Transport Authority; CIE, National Parks and Wildlife Services; Clonburris Sustainability Management Committee; and the Health Service Executive. The Railway Procurement Agency, Bord Gais; National Transport Authority, CIE and Dept of Environment attended the presentation. 

Copies of the draft UFDF were circulated to stakeholders that attended the presentation. Copies were also circulated to stakeholders that could not attend but sought a copy of the document, including the National Parks and Wildlife Services and Waterways Ireland.


Written submissions on the Draft UFDF and Biodiversity Study were accepted over a six week period from the 17th February to the 1st April 2010. A total of 5 submissions were received. Issues raised were summarised and responses drafted in a submissions report. Where considered appropriate, amendments to the UFDF were made.

Prior to the Final Draft of the UFDF a series of clarification meetings were held, where the team met individually each of the District Centre landowners/representatives to discuss and clarify matters. Following the clarification meetings,  some final amendments were made to the Draft UFDF.

Current Status

The document below was circulated to all the District Centre landowners on the 9th of July 2010 and given a period of 6 weeks to consider the document. Each of the District Centre Landowners was invited to indicate agreement with matters contained within the document by the 20th August 2010. 

The Clonburris Urban Form Development Framework was referred to An Bord Pleanála for determination on 31st March 2010. On the 8th August 2013, An Bord Pleanála determined that the UFDF was acceptable and provided for a coherent urban form that is consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.