Adamstown Planning Schemes and Amendment Documentation
2003 Planning Scheme
The original planning scheme for Adamstown was made in 2003, however was subject to an Oral Hearing by An Bord Pleanála. The first Planning Scheme for the SDZ was adopted in September 2003.
Link to original Planning Scheme 2003 - Download Full Document (pdf format)
2006 Amendment
In May 2006 South Dublin County Council made amendments to the Adamstown SDZ Planning Scheme, 2003. This was to allow for (a) relocation of the combined schools and leisure campus and thereby revising the boundaries of the ‘Adamstown Square’ and ‘Adamstown Castle’ development areas and (b) to include a requirement for a Primary Health Care Facility in Phase 5.
Link to Amendment Document - Amendment Document (
Note: no updated planning scheme was produced
2013 Amendment
In October 2013 South Dublin County Council being the specified Development Agency for the Adamstown SDZ and the relevant Planning Authority, submitted 49 no. proposed amendments to the Adamstown SDZ Planning Scheme, 2003 (as amended). This was further appealed to the Bord, and finally adopted in March 2014.
Link to documents related to 2013/2014 amendment:
SZF2002.DOC (
DZF2002.DOC (
RZF2002.DOC (
Link to 2014 Planning Scheme (current scheme document), an update to the 2003 Planning Scheme Document.
- section-1-0-introduction.pdf (
- section-2-0-proposals-for-development.pdf (
- section-3-0-development-and-amenity-areas.pdf (
- section-4-0-phasing-and-implementation.pdf (
2017 Amendment
Summary of Amendments made: The proposed amendments also relate to minimum house size, in accordance with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government’s Quality Housing for Sustainable Communities Design Guidelines (2007). The minimum floor areas for houses in the Planning Scheme currently align with only the upper limit of the floor area range provided for within the Guidelines. It is proposed to align the floor areas with all ranges within the Guidelines (not just the maximum as currently proposed) and to clarify the text associated with this objective, to ensure there is no ambiguity in the implementation of the Planning Scheme on this matter. Revisions to the floor areas would ensure greater consistency with national guidance and would not compromise the quality of housing to be delivered within Adamstown.
Link to amendment documents
adamstown-sdz-planning-scheme-2014-proposed-amendments-1-4-report.pdf (
Note: no new planning scheme was created for this amendment. The 2014 scheme in addition to the amendment documentation were read in conjunction with one another.
2020 Amendment
Summary of Amendments made: The Amendment results in the following changes to the SDZ Planning Scheme, and include an increase in unit numbers, density and residential floor area within the Adamstown Station development area, an increase in unit numbers, density and residential floor area and a location-specific increase in building height within the Aderrig development area, relocation of a proposed enterprise centre from the Tobermaclugg Village/Tandy’s Lane Village local centre to the Adamstown Station district centre as well as other minor amendments including updated references to and summaries of national and regional policy and guidance and updating of other references within the planning scheme document including text, tables and maps.
Link to amendment documents (2020 Amendment to Adamstown SDZ 2014 - SDCC):
adamstown-sdz-appropriate-assessment-screening-report.pdf (size 3 MB)
adamstown-sdz-environmental-report-Copy.pdf (size 3.4 MB)
adamstown-sdz-planning-scheme-2014-proposed-amendments-1-4-report-Copy.pdf (size 1.5 MB)
adamstown-sea-statement-Copy.pdf (size 1 MB)
decision-of-an-bord-pleanala-september-13th-2017.pdf (size 52.6 KB)
An Bord Pleanála Report on the 2020 Adamstown Amendment
Note: no new planning scheme was created for this amendment. The 2014 scheme in addition to the amendment documentation were read in conjunction with one another.
2023 Amendment
Summary of Amendments made: The proposed non-material amendments relate to the further alignment of the Planning Scheme with National Government policy relating to National Strategic Objectives (compact growth), as well as the rationalisation of existing wordings to provide clarifications and certainty around key deliverables, as currently set out in the scheme.
Link to amendment documents:
abp-315768-23.pdf (size 108.7 KB)
Adamstown-SDZ-2023-NMA-Report-r315768.pdf (size 549.7 KB)
Adamstown-SDZ-Proposed-Non-Material-Amendment-Read-Through-Document-Feb-2023.pdf (size 4.5 MB)
Note: A new planning scheme document is being prepared to incorporate all amendments since the adoption of the 2014 SDZ Planning Scheme.