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Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Public Consultation – Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Windfarms Transmission Assets development, located in the Irish Sea
On 20 September 2023, the Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage, received a transboundary EIA screening statement in relation to the proposed Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Windfarms Transmission Assets development, which was conducted on behalf of the United Kingdom’s Secretary of State at the pre-application stage. The transboundary screening process identified potential transboundary issues for Ireland relating to impacts on commercial fishing, fish and shellfish, marine mammals and shipping and navigation.
Subsequently, on 15 January 2025, the United Kingdom’s Planning Inspectorate (PINS) wrote to the Minister to invite Ireland to participate in transboundary EIA consultation as the Examining Authority had accepted the planning application for the proposed development. This public consultation is being held in accordance with article 132 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 – 2024.
Additionally, following the acceptance of the planning application a second transboundary screening was conducted on 15 January 2025. This transboundary screening process identified potential transboundary environmental impacts on Ireland in relation to commercial fishing, marine mammals and shipping and navigation.
Why is this consultation being undertaken?
In accordance with the provisions of the 1991 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (“the Espoo Convention”), transboundary States are required to engage in transboundary consultation, including with members of the public, in respect of projects likely to have significant effects on the environment of neighbouring States as part of the environmental impact assessment of a proposed development. For this purpose, the transboundary State in whose territory the project is intended to be carried out is required to send to the affected State, no later than when informing its own public, a description of the project and any available information on its possible transboundary impact.
As noted above, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage recently received information in the form of a letter of notification dated 15 January 2025 from PINS, relating to an application for development consent for the proposed Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Windfarms Transmissions Assets development that is now in the pre-examination stage of their development consent order process.
The proposed development is comprised of (but not limited to) the construction, operation and maintenance and decommissioning of the transmission assets required to enable the export of electricity from both the Morgan Offshore Wind Project and the Morecambe Offshore Windfarm via shared offshore and onshore export cable corridors to the National Grid connection point at Penwortham, Lancashire.
The UK Secretary of State has determined that the proposed development requires an environmental impact assessment and consequently they have conducted a transboundary EIA screening. The initial transboundary screening exercise determined that the proposed development may have transboundary environmental impacts in Ireland that included significant impacts on commercial fishing, fish and shellfish, marine mammals and shipping and navigation. The second transboundary screening concluded that there may be transboundary environmental impacts on commercial fishing, marine mammals and shipping and navigation.
Screening Assessment
The letter of 15 January 2025 provides details of where further information on the proposed development can be found on the PINS website – see also link provided under “How to participate” below.
How to Participate
Documentation related to the development consent application for the proposed development is available at links below:
Making submissions or observations
Submissions or observations should be made directly to the Planning Inspectorate UK at MorganandMorecambeowfta@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
Deadlines for submissions or observations
The public consultation period is open from 28th February 2025. The deadline for the receipt of written submissions or observations under this transboundary consultation process is close of business on 11 April 2025 at the latest.
What happens next
Submissions are made directly to the PINS, therefore neither the Department nor any planning authorities will be receiving submissions. Submissions will be reviewed on their end and terms and conditions and further information on their processes can be found on their website.
Contact details for submissions or observations
Any queries in relation to this transboundary EIA consultation should be directed to Dublin City Council. See contact details below:
Greg Bryan, Administrative Officer
Planning & Property Development Department, Planning Administration,
Block4, Floor 3, Civic Offices,
Wood Quay, Dublin 8
T: 01-2223108 E: greg.bryan@dublincity.ie