
Environmental Impact Statement

Environmental Impact Statement

Environmental Impact Statements

Applicants for planning permission for certain types of significant developments are required to submit an Environmental Impact Statement with the application. Regulations govern the specific types and scale of such developments. Projects which would have significant effects on the environment are also subject to the procedure irrespective of the size of the project. The Statements are assessed by the Council and reference to the submission of such Statements must be included in the newspaper notice of the proposed development. The EIS is a statement of the likely effects on the environment and will set out any measures to be taken to avoid or moderate any adverse environmental effects. 

Environmental Impact Assessment must also be carried out for certain large scale developments carried out by or on behalf of the Council such as motorways etc.

Please see the following documents for further information

Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government Booklet on Environmental Impact Assessments

Environmental Impact Assessments Part 10 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001

Contents of an Environmental Impact Assessment – Schedule 6 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001.