
Urban Design

Urban Design

Artist Impression

The aim for Tallaght Town Centre is to deliver a sustainable community together with a high quality built environment through good place-making, by reducing as far as possible the need to travel, particularly by private car, by facilitating mixed-use development and promoting the efficient use of land and public investment in infrastructure in order to facilitate viable local services, employment and public transport.

In the formulation of the Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan, there was considerable consultation to establish the Issues and Concerns of the various stakeholders. Further consultation ensued in relation to the Solutions and Options available. A detailed report was produced on the Pre-Plan Consultation after the “Issues and Concerns” display.

In order to achieve sustainable communities and a high quality built environment through good place-making and thereby a better quality of life for all, five key principles must be applied to all new developments in Tallaght Town Centre. These are as follows:-

  • Intensification: An increased scale of development and overall activity, at appropriate locations;
  • Diversity: A greater mix of land uses and dwelling and tenure types;
  • Accessibility: Consideration of walking distance to public transport and local services;
  • Design Quality: Properly designed buildings, places and spaces that are attractive, safe and secure;
  • Integration: Linking new and existing development to promote inclusion whilst safeguarding the amenities of existing buildings and uses.

The Tallaght Town Centre LAP provides the Strategic Framework (Chapter 3) and the Policy and Standards (Chapter 5) that will be used to guide the design process.

The leaflet “Streets, Squares and Walks” provides an indication of the results achieved in the Town Centre up to Autumn 2007.