

Clondalkin Local Area Plan

Background Information

South Dublin County Council has commenced the early stages of the preparation of the Clondalkin Local Area Plan.  It is an objective of the South Dublin County Development Plan to prepare a plan:


Objective, QDP14 Objective 3 seeks:

To prepare a LAP for Clondalkin, the extent of the boundary to be defined, which will be guided by the Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2013 (Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government) or any superseding guidelines and which will incorporate:

- A vision for the development of Clondalkin

- Wider urban design principles

- Framework plans for larger infill sites

- A Conservation Plan

- A local Green Infrastructure strategy derived from the County GI Strategy

- Local Transport Plan.


Second Round Public Consultation

Thank you to all who attended the workshops that took place in Clondalkin on the 7th and 13th March and sharing your thoughts. We have feedback from those who attended the in-person workshops but you can also give us feedback by registering on the portal and completing the survey.

To participate in the survey please click the following link: Consultation Portal Clondalkin LAP

Further information regarding the Clondalkin LAP can be found at this website:

Clondalkin LAP - SDCC