
Heritage and Conservation

Heritage and Conservation

A Heritage Plan for South Dublin

South Dublin County Council, with the support of the Heritage Council, has prepared the County’s first Heritage Plan.

The historic and cultural origins of the area enclosed by the boundaries of South Dublin County are long established and are still to be seen around us today. They encompass pre-historic and early Christian monuments, the industrial heritage of the Liffey, the Dodder and the Griffeen with their associated mill and workers cottages, agricultural farms and larger country estates, and, of course, the range of natural habitats, streams, rivers, and upland environments that the County has to offer.

How the wide range of heritage elements in the County can best be managed and conserved for all into the future has been the focus of attention of the South Dublin County Heritage Forum and the Heritage Officer of South Dublin County Council.

Following an initial phase of public consultation at the end of 2008 which identified a range of heritage issues and proposals for consideration, a draft County Heritage Plan was prepared by the South Dublin County Heritage Forum and the SDCC Heritage Officer. This document includes a series of objectives and actions which, through partnership with a wide range of agencies, groups and individuals, aims to establish and raise the profile of the County’s heritage resource. This document was on public display during the month of April 2010 for consultation and comment.

Conservation and Protected Structures

South Dublin County Council's Record of Protected Structures now contains 542 Protected Structures, 105 of which are publicly owned. A Grant Scheme is available to assist the owners/occupiers of Protected Structures to undertake works to secure the conservation of the structure. The Conservation Grant Scheme is funded by the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and administered by the Planning Department.

Clondalkin's Tangible Threads

As part of Heritage Week 2021, South Dublin County Council have worked in partnership with the Irish Crochet Lace Revival group to produce a 20 mins film, ‘Clondalkin’s Tangible Threads - Irish Crochet in the World of Haute Couture’.  This shares the untold story of the network of amazing Clondalkin women who made crochet in the 1950s/60s for the internationally renowned fashion designer Sybil Connolly.