
Variation 1 and 2

Variation 1 and 2

South Dublin County Council at a meeting on the 21st May 2018, adopted Variation No.1 and Variation No.2 to the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2016-2022. These variations are effective immediately.

The addendum report outlines the specific changes incorporated into the Written Statement.

Variation No. 1 – Zoning Amendment to Lands at Grangecastle West

The purpose of this variation is to change the zoning objective of 193 hectares of land from zoning objective RU (Rural) to objective EE (Enterprise and Employment). These lands are located at Grangecastle West, which are south of the Grand Canal and west and north of the R120, adjoining the existing Grange Castle Business Park. It also seeks to realign the indicative route for the Western Dublin Orbital Route (North).

The following additional documents relate to this variation:

Zoning Map

SEA Non-Technical Summary

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and Determination

Variation No.2 – Vacant Site Levy

The purpose of this variation is to incorporate the provisions of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 regarding the Vacant Site Levy and urban renewal and regeneration into the County Development Plan by including new objectives for the development and renewal of designated regeneration and residential lands for the purposes of the future application of the levy and to identify such areas in the development plan.

The following additional documents relate to this variation:

SEA Screening Report and Determination

AA Screening Report and Determination