Council Initiatives
Council Initiatives
Period Poverty
South Dublin County Council launched an initiative to provide free sanitary products in public toilets at Council offices in response to a campaign by Homeless Period Ireland to combat "Period Poverty" in 2019. Female sanitary products have been made available in the publically accessible toilets in both County Hall, Tallaght and Clondalkin Civic Offices since then.
Breast Feeding Area
The Council has dedicated breastfeeding areas for council staff and council members in our council buildings. Dedicated areas provide a safe and private area for breastfeeding mothers to express milk in comfort.
Safety and Inclusivity Study for Public Spaces in Clondalkin
The Safety and Inclusivity Study for Public Spaces in Clondalkin was a winning project from the 2018 €300K Have Your Say initiative. The aim of the project was to carry out a scoping study of Clondalkin public spaces regarding safety and inclusivity, including areas such as public lighting and harassment and to carry out a public awareness campaign afterwards.
Researcher Lorraine Mc Mahon was chosen to carry out the study. A steering group was formed and a survey was issued. 14 groups/organisations and 151 individuals took part in the study.
The study is now completed and has a number of recommendations to be considered for Implementation by Council departments and the Joint Policing Committee.
You can read the study by clicking here.
Women In Politics Promotional Video
In 2020 South Dublin County Council were awarded a grant from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government to support females and diversity in Local Government. With this funding, SDCC produced a video outlining the history of women in politics and advice for women who wish to run for election in local government. The video was accompanied by the launch of a Women in Politics area on our website and a social media campaign that will run up to the next local elections in 2024.
Women's Caucus
South Dublin County Council is establishing a Women's Caucus in South Dublin. The Caucus is apolitical and it aims to get women into politics, but also keep women in politics.