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For Candidates

Local Election Candidates

How to apply to become a Candidate for the Local Elections 2024

Eligibility for election to a local authority

Every Irish Citizen and every person ordinarily resident in the State, who has reached the age of 18, on Election day is eligible to become a Candidate.

You can nominate yourself to be a candidate in the Local Elections 2024 or you can be nominated by someone else, once the person nominating you is registered to vote in the Local Electoral Area (listed above) that you will be nominated for.  A nomination form is available for downloading below.

Nominations will be received by appointment, please use the online Booking Portal Here, phone 01-4149100 or email to make your appointment or if you have any queries. The period for nominations will be from 10.00am on Saturday, 11th May 2024 to 12.00 noon on Saturday, 18th May 2024 (excluding Sunday 12th May 2024).

A nomination paper from a candidate of a registered political party must have a certificate of political affiliation attached.

If no certificate is attached, one or other of the following procedures must be complied with before the expiration of the time for receiving nominations -

(i) the completion of statutory declarations by 15 assenters registered as local government electors in the relevant local electoral area which must be witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths, a Peace Commissioner, a Notary Public, a member of the Garda Síochána or an official of the registration authority,


(ii) the candidate, or someone on his or her behalf, lodging a deposit of €100 with the local returning officer.

See below for forms.

Form LE1 - Nomination Form

Form LE1A - Statutory Declaration by Assentors

Certificate of Political Affiliation

Expenditure and Donations

The Local Elections (Disclosure of Donations and Expenditure) Act 1999 provides for an expenditure and donations disclosure regime at local elections. These guidelines are concerned with the statutory obligations for candidates, national agents, designated persons unconnected to a political party or candidate (third parties) at the forthcoming local elections contained in the Local Government Reform Act 2014 and the Electoral (Amendment) (Political Funding) Act 2012.

Election Posters

The legislation governing the placement of posters at election time is The Litter Pollution Act 1997 as amended by the Electoral (Amendment)(No.2) Act 2009. The legislation provides that erection of posters is only permitted from the date the order is made by the Minister appointing the polling day or 30 days prior to the date of the poll, whichever is the shorter period. Thereafter posters must be removed within 7 days of the polling day.

The order for the Local and European Elections was made on the 5th April 2024. As a result, the shorter period will apply which is 30 days prior to the date of the poll. Therefore postering will be permitted from Wednesday 8th May 2024 until midnight on the 14th June 2024.                   

Elections Posters - FAQ

Safety-Concerns-regarding-Election-Posters.docx (size 16.4 KB)

Voluntary Code for Candidate Posters

A voluntary code of practice exists in which election candidates in Local Elections in the village areas of Tallaght, Lucan, Clondalkin and Palmerstown have previously agreed not to erect posters in those villages at the request of local Tidy Towns groups.