Housing Acquisitions
Housing Acquisitions
Interested in selling your property to a Local Authority?
Did you know that your Local Authority may be interested in purchasing your private or rented dwelling?
If your property is within the boundaries of South Dublin County Council and you are interested in selling your house to the Local Authority, then please complete this ‘Landlord/Property owner Expression of Interest Form for Proposed Sale to Council of Property (with Tenant In-Situ)’ and forward it to our Housing Procurement Section at housingeoi@sdublincoco.ie
Properties for potential acquisition are valued based on current market value and inspected by the Council and/ or its representatives prior to negotiation/agreement on sale price.
Our focus is to prevent homelessness and therefore we are prioritising acquisitions of properties where a tenant is currently in situ and where a valid notice of termination has been issued. In addition in prioritising properties for acquisition, consideration will be given to aspects such as cost and value, condition of the property, size and suitability for tenants. Where a property owner or landlord has served a valid notice to quit existing tenants should be advised to continue to utilise the Council’s Choice base letting system for properties, while alternative accommodation options are also pursued by the Council for the households concerned as appropriate.
If further information is required on Housing Acquisitions, then please contact the Housing Procurement Section on
Email: housingeoi@sdublincoco.ie
Phone: 01-4149000