
Housing Assistance Payment

Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)

Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)

Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is a new social housing support for all applicants on the housing list. HAP will replace Rent Supplement for those with a long term housing need. Persons applying for HAP (Housing Assistance Payment) must be a qualified housing applicant(s) before they can apply for HAP. Please note you will be reassessed when you submit a HAP application form.

If you are eligible as an approved housing applicant, you must find your own private rented accommodation. The Local Authority will pay the landlord directly and the tenant will pay a rent to the local authority based on the differential rent scheme. The rent will be based on your weekly household income and works in a similar way to the differential rents charged for local authority houses.

Please note that the applicant/HAP tenant must have a tenancy which is agreed in good faith for the property the HAP payments will be made for (Reference - Section 39 (2) (e) of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014). Where there is a family relationship between the tenant and the landlord, the Council may seek evidence of a previous landlord and tenant relationship between the landlord and the HAP applicant or a previous tenant. This evidence may include:

    • Proof of consistent rent payments for a period of 12 months 
    • A lease or tenancy agreement for the property for a period of 12 months 
    • Registration of the tenancy with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) for a period of 12 months 

It is for the applicant and landlord to prove that what is being proposed is a bona fide tenancy. HAP cannot be paid where the tenant is seeking to rent within the family home.

The local authority will only process your application form if both Sections A and B have been fully completed and you and your landlord have sent the correct documents to your local authority. If your form is not complete, your local authority will send it back to you. Please note if you are required to submit additional documentation you must do so within 10 working days, if documents aren’t received it will be assumed that you are no longer interested in proceeding and your HAP application will be cancelled.

For more information, see a link to the Tenant and Landlord booklets and the information leaflet below.

HAP Tenant Booklet
HAP Landlord Booklet
HAP information leaflet

You can also avail of HAP online. Applicants for HAP must be on South Dublin County Council’s waiting list before they can complete the online application form – a valid Housing reference number is required for the application.

To apply please click HERE

Alternatively you can visit the HAP website or follow the links below, for the answers to the following questions:

Other frequently asked questions:

How do I get an application form for HAP from SDCC?

If you are not yet on the SDCC housing list, you will need to apply for social housing support, see Finding a Home

If you are already on the SDCC housing list, you can ask for a HAP application form, please contact the HAP team on 01-414 9000 or email cccounter@sdublincoco.ie. The form only needs to be filled in when you have found suitable accommodation, or if you are already in private rented accommodation and eligible to transfer to HAP. Your landlord will need to complete and sign part of the HAP application form. If you are in any doubt about whether your tenancy arrangement qualifies for HAP, check with us and we can advise you on this.

How much is the HAP rent payment in SDCC?

Under HAP legislation, limits for HAP payments are based on the number of people in a household and the rental market in the locality. However, local authorities have limited additional flexibility to exceed rent limits on a case-by-case basis. The current HAP rent limits are stated in the Housing Assistance Payment (Amendment) Regulations 2017.

Can I pay a top up?

Where the monthly rent agreed with your landlord exceeds the maximum rent limit payable by your local authority on your behalf, you must pay the difference directly to your landlord. Please note your means to pay the additional rent will be assessed.

How much rent will I pay to South Dublin County Council?

The rent paid by the tenant is based on their household income. It is calculated in the same way as the rent paid by a tenant of a local authority. For more information please see the Paying your Rent page and the Housing Rents Policy on the Paying your Rent page.

How long does the lease have to be?

A two year tenancy is preferable. Your tenancy will be covered under the terms of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 (RTA) (as amended). This means that the tenancy agreement is, or will be, between you and your landlord. You can find further information about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant on the RTB website www.rtb.ie

Can I move?

If a tenant wishes to end a residential tenancy where there is a valid lease, this will only be facilitated/approved in exceptional circumstances. A written request outlining the reason for the need to move is needed, this should be submitted to the Allocations section.

What happens to my housing application?

When you sign up to HAP, your current housing file is closed as your housing need has been met. However you can sign up to the HAP Transfer List were you keep your original time on the housing list while your time on HAP accumulates. You will still have access to CBL where you can log on and express your interest in suitable properties.

Can I transfer to another housing support?

Yes. Any HAP recipient who wants to access other social housing supports can do so through the HAP transfer system operated by local authorities. Once in receipt of HAP, you can apply to transfer from HAP to other forms of social housing support such as local authority housing. As a HAP recipient, your likelihood of getting a different form of Social Housing Support is not affected by accepting HAP.