


In order to be eligible to apply for Affordable Housing at Foxwood Barn, Citywest applicants must satisfy the following criteria; 

  • Each applicant must be a First-Time Buyer or meet the exceptions under the Fresh Start Principle or own a dwelling which, because of its size, is not suited to the current accommodation needs of the applicant’s household.
  • To apply for a 2-bedroom Mid Terrace property, gross household income for the preceding 12 months should be below €91,913 however, those with a higher income may also be eligible if their lender provides them with a maximum mortgage which is less than 85.5% of the market value of the dwelling.
  • To apply for a 3-bedroom Mid Terrace property, gross household income for the preceding 12 months should be below €101,531 however, those with a higher income may also be eligible if their lender provides them with a maximum mortgage which is less than 85.5% of the market value of the dwelling.
  • To apply for a 3-bedroom End Terrace property, gross household income for the preceding 12 months should be below €104,738 however, those with a higher income may also be eligible if their lender provides them with a maximum mortgage which is less than 85.5% of the market value of the dwelling.
  • Each person included in the application must have the right to reside indefinitely in the State.
  • The affordable home must be the household’s normal place of residence.
  • Applicants’ purchasing power must not exceed 95% of the market value of the property.  

In order for the Council to fully assess and process your application, you will need to submit a maximum mortgage Approval in Principle (AIP) letter from one of the pillar banks or a Local Authority Home Loan (LAHL) letter.

Applicants are required to have Mortgage Approval in Principle (AIP) by the time that their application is being assessed. If you do not already have AIP, please start the process with an approved lender now.

A minimum deposit of 10% of the purchase price of the property will also be required so applicants should ensure they have sufficient savings before applying. First time buyer applicants can avail of the Help to Buy Scheme. This is operated by the Revenue Commissioners. For more information please see; Help to Buy (HTB) scheme (revenue.ie)