****Information on Gritting routes and salt bin locations is available at this link. The Council has seven gritting trucks and seven snow ploughs.****
Severe weather challenges all of us. Activities that we take for granted can become difficult or even hazardous when severe weather occurs. However, by taking some simple steps you can reduce the impact of such events.
South Dublin County Council's Severe Weather Assessment Team (SWAT) meets in advance of all storms on foot of any Met Eireann Weather Warnings received. The SWAT is made up of senior staff from across the organisation. The purpose of the meeting is to assess the readiness of the council to deal with the upcoming storm and severe weather events and put in place preventative actions as required.
South Dublin County Council has under the Major Emergency Management Framework, the following plans:
- Major Emergency Plan
- Flood Emergency Plan,
- Severe Weather Plan, and
- Rest Centre Plan.
The protocols for Severe Weather are contained in the plans, and being actioned upon receipt of weather warnings from Met Éireann, are as follows:
Status Yellow: Be Aware - A general notification email is sent to relevant staff across the organisation- inspections of key infrastructure and equipment carried out by relevant departments.
Status Orange: Be Prepared - Triggers a meeting of the Severe Weather Assessment Team (SWAT) comprised of senior management across all departments, who discuss the issues particular to that weather event and agree the appropriate response/ action from each department.
Status Red: Take Action - this should be a comparatively rare event and implies that recipients take action to protect themselves and/or their properties. The SWAT team is now a Crisis Management Team and meets as often as necessary - hourly, twice daily, etc., depending on dynamics of the weather event, possibly over the conference call facilities. National and Regional Emergency offices are likely also being updated via teleconference at this stage to facilitate inter agency cooperation between the LA, HSE and AGS.
The Winter Maintenance Plan includes information the 7 gritting routes and also on salt barns and the locations and availability of salt bins.
The seven gritting routes and the associated gritting truck can also have a snow plough attached if this is required, information on the routes are available at this link. The Council has seven gritting trucks and seven snow ploughs.
South Dublin County Council will continue to provide information to citizens through weather events on all available social media including our website www.sdcc.ie, The national winter ready web site also has very useful information and can be found at https://www.winterready.ie/en
You can also follow the below Twitter accounts to stay updated.
This winter-ready booklet produced by the OEP gives information on being prepared, providing practical advice for coping during episodes of severe weather, as well as giving contact details of organisations and agencies that can provide guidance and assistance. The main message is simple - be prepared, stay safe and know where to find help should you need it.
Find out more at https://www.winterready.ie/en