Our Performance
Our Performance
Accountability and Transparency is one of the Core Values outlined in the South Dublin County Council Corporate Plan. As a public body this is fundamental to our operations and our relationship with the citizens we serve.
Our performance is reported in numerous ways including monthly key performance indicators, Chief Executive's Reports, Annual Financial Statements, Audit Committee annual reports, Annual Reports and Local Government Audit Reports. We also provide key performance indicators to the National Oversight and Audit Commission (NOAC) which is a statutory body established to oversee the local government sector.
The local government sector is the only sector which publishes service indicators common to all local authorities, and reports on their implementation in the annual report and in annual reporting to the National Oversight and Audit Commission (NOAC)
In support of this core value and to continue to provide confidence to the citizens of South Dublin County, reports on our performance will be made available here. The Council endeavours to continually build and improve on our progress, to innovate and provide value for money and deliver quality public services to the citizens of South County Dublin.