South Dublin County Council Launches MyDoorStep Housing and Planning Portal
South Dublin County Council has launched MyDoorStep, a new walk-in centre and website aimed at opening up the housing process for buyers ahead of the construction of 40,000 new homes in the county.
The purchase of a new home is one of the most significant decisions in a person’s lifetime. The recent much-needed growth in new home construction has provided first time buyers, investors and trader uppers with a variety of choices for the first time in a decade. In recognition of this, South Dublin County Council has launched a new service to assist buyers in making this very significant investment in their futures.
MyDoorStep is a walk-in service centre at its headquarters at County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, which is replicated online at www.mydoorstep.ie. This digital information platform provides buyers with all of the detail needed to make the most informed decision possible when purchasing a home. MyDoorStep combines information on current and planned housing developments in any location in South Dublin County with detail on childcare, education, health, recreation, retail and sporting facilities across the County.
MyDoorStep streamlines this information through one source and allows access from home or at the Council’s headquarters, cutting out the potential multiple enquiries a prospective buyer would need to make at present. Visitors to County Hall, Tallaght, will also be guided through the portal by knowledgeable Council staff from its Land Use, Planning and Transportation department.
You can find the new website at www.mydoorstep.ie