Social Housing Assessment 2023
Social Housing Assessment 2023 - Closing soon 20th October 2023
In accordance with Sections 3 & 21 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009, South Dublin County Council has been instructed by the Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government to carry out an assessment of housing needs for 2023.
This is not a full assessment of all applicants on the Social Housing Waiting List. Only applicants contacted by letter need to respond to this assessment.
South Dublin County Council will be writing to a limited number of applicants currently on our social housing waiting list to reassess their eligibility for housing support.
SDCC transfer applicants, HAP tenants and RAS tenants are not included in this assessment.
If you receive a letter from us, you must reply in full on our Housing On-line Formto this correspondence.
Please note, failure to submit a completed return in this timeline will result in your application for housing support being closed by South Dublin County Council.
Should you have any queries or need any assistance in completing this form, please contact the following:
Email your query to HNA2023@sdublincoco.ie
Phone: 01.4149090
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