Social Credits Scheme clean-up application and collection procedure.
Social Credits Scheme clean-up application and collection procedure.
To all Residents' Associations / Community Groups/ Social Credit Scheme participants,
The South Dublin County Council Social Credit Scheme has been delivered successfully for many years now and the local authority is grateful for your continued support.
The most popular element of the scheme is the Clean-up programme.
Clean up materials are provided to groups for the purposes of organised community clean ups only. Due to the level of illegal dumping being identified at present, you are reminded of the following guidelines:
- Only South Dublin County Council branded clear biodegradable bags should be used for community clean ups. No other bags of waste will be collected e.g., black bags.
- SDCC branded bags containing household waste will not be collected.
- Clean ups and collections must be scheduled in advance – please contact envawareness@sdublincoco.ie if your group needs to schedule a collection.
- Pick up locations must be agreed in advance. Bags will only be collected from the agreed location.
- Please do not overload the bags.
Any bags of waste identified that do not meet the guidelines for community clean ups will be referred to the Council’s Litter Warden Service for investigation and appropriate enforcement under the Litter Pollution Acts.
If you have any queries don’t hesitate to contact the Environmental Awareness office at envawareness@sdublincoco.ie
Alternatively, if you want to report an incident of illegal dumping you can contact the litter wardens on lwardens@sdublincoco.ie
We would like to thank you for your continued hard work and look forward to working with you in the future.
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