

SDCC awarded five Green Flags

24 Sep 20

South Dublin County Council have been awarded five prestigious Green Flag Awards from An Taisce Environment Education Unit.

Waterstown Park, Sean Walsh Park, Tymon Park, Corkagh Park and Rathfarnham Castle Park were all awarded Green Flags Awards, with Rathfarnham Castle Park receiving their flag for the first time.

The Green Flag Award is a highly regarded international benchmark that recognises and rewards the provision of high-quality parks and green spaces. Established in more than 50 countries, the award scheme is managed here in the Republic of Ireland by An Taisce. It rates the management of parks by local authorities across criteria including safety, cleanliness, conservation, sustainability and community involvement.

The Green Flag Awards are judged every year by a peer jury of green space experts, who volunteer their time to visit applicant sites and assess them against eight strict criteria, including horticultural standards, cleanliness, sustainability, and community involvement. In Ireland, the Green Flag Award for Parks Scheme has been enthusiastically received by park management as it delivers major wins for the delivery of quality green spaces by respective parks and park departments.

 The five South Dublin County parks are included in the 84 public parks from across the country to achieve a Green Flag award in 2020.

Photos: Tymon Park wildflower area and Waterstown Park