Public Consultation on Clondalkin Local Area Plan
The latest round of public consultation on the Clondalkin Local Area Plan are now underway. You can find out more on the Clondalkin LAP website here: Clondalkin LAP - SDCC .
There was great engagement from the local community at the first public workshop, which took place in The Round Tower, Clondalkin, on 7th March.
If you missed this, don’t worry, there are still plenty of opportunities for you to contribute to this important plan.
There will be another public consultation workshop on 13th March 2024 ,7.00pm-8.30pm Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you wish to register your interest in attending this Workshop, please do so at the following link:
You can also give you views by completing our online survey at the following link: Clondalkin Local Area Plan – Pre-draft Public Consultation (2nd Round) | South Dublin County Council's Online Consultation Portal (sdublincoco.ie)
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