Official Opening of a new playspace at Collinstown Park, Clondalkin
Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Councillor Ed O’Brien officially opens a new playspace at Collinstown Park, Clondalkin.
On Thursday 10th September the Mayor of South Dublin County, Councillor Ed O’Brien officially opened the playspace at Collinstown Park. Natural play has benefits for children in terms of increasing mental and physical well-being, developing imagination and allowing children to assess risk and develop their coping abilities.
Speaking at the event Mayor Cllr Ed O’Brien said, “This opening ceremony marks the delivery of a significant project for young people and families in the area. Since the playspace has opened, there has been an increase in family groups using the park and everyone is getting more exercise and fresh air”.
The Mayor went on to pay tribute to the local community and local football club for their support of the popular playspace in Collinstown Park and the work of the Council staff in managing the project and maintaining the playspace.
For further information contact Communications Unit, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 on communications@sdublincoco.ie
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