Mayor Cllr Vicki Casserly presents Community Endeavour Awards 2019
The Community Endeavour Awards took place in the Red Cow Moran’s Hotel on Friday 6 December. Mayor Cllr Vicki Casserly was on hand to present the awards to the winning groups.
The Community Endeavour Awards aim to acknowledge, promote and recognise the work of community and voluntary organisations within the administrative area of South Dublin County Council.
There is an immense richness and variety of voluntary organisations working in South Dublin and this initiative aims to recognise the efforts of those who carry out this valuable work. All community organisations whose activities have made a difference in their community and had a beneficial effect on residents were eligible to enter.
A total of 126 entries were received from a wide variety of groups operating in South Dublin County and these were then assessed by an independent judging panel.
Speaking at the event, Mayor Cllr Vicki Casserly said
“There is an immense richness and variety of voluntary organisations working in South Dublin and it is important that we celebrate them and the difference they make to the lives of the people of this County. Their dedication is invaluable to this County and everyone who lives, works and passes through here. There is a saying that goes that it is the people that make the place. If that is true, then they have made their communities absolutely amazing.”
Note to Editors
Awards were made under the following headings:
Category A - Civic Pride and Community Endeavour:
The Friends of St Cuthbert’s
Category B - Community Facility of the Year:
The Park Community Centre
Category C - Sport and Recreation Award:
Templeogue United Football Club
Category D - Social Inclusion Award:
Brookfield Fettercairn Men’s Shed
Category E - Active Age Award:
Clondalkin Men’s Shed
Category F - Gradam Chultúr agus Oidhreacht na hÉireann:
Glenasmole Ceili Committee
Category G - Community/School Garden or Allotment:
St Lorcan’s Boys National School, Gardening Club
Category H - Community Sustainability Initiative:
Palmerstown Meitheal Tidy Towns
Category I - Community Health & Wellbeing Award:
NINA for Life
Category J - Corporate Endeavour Award:
SPAR Dutch Village
Category K - Volunteer of the Year:
Andrea Fox
Special Community Recognition Award:
180th Lucan South Scouts Group
Special Community Recognition Award:
MacUilliam Soulswork Choir
Mayor’s Special Honorary Award:
Rhasidat Adeleke, European Youth Olympic Champion
Mayor’s Special Honorary Award:
Dublin Ladies Senior Gaelic Football Team
Overall Community Endeavour Award 2019:
Clondalkin Men’s Shed
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