Launch of South Dublin Summer Stars Reading Adventure
South Dublin Libraries’ annual Summer Stars Reading Adventure was launched on Wednesday 12 June at 10am at Clondalkin Library by Deputy Mayor Cllr Trevor Gilligan.
Together with local schoolchildren from Scoil Mhuire and St Peter Apostle national schools, Deputy Mayor Cllr Trevor Gilligan created paper rockets in keeping with the Space theme which celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing. These paper rockets were used to “launch” the Summer Stars Reading Adventure! The fun continued with a magic show by Jack Flash.
Summer Stars Reading Adventure is an exciting reading-based programme which is available free of charge to all children across the country.
South Dublin Libraries are delighted to actively participate in this national initiative each year. Last year 1,600 children took part, and approximately 100,000 books/audio books were borrowed. Library staff are busy promoting the reading adventure in schools across the County so it is hoped that even more children will participate this year.
All children across South Dublin County are invited to register for the adventure and enjoy reading during the summer months. All participants will be given a Summer Stars Reading Card to record and track their own progress. The children will receive rewards and incentives along the way, and each library will host a grand finale event at the end for all participants who will receive their Summer Stars certificate.
The Summer Stars Reading Adventure provides the whole family with an opportunity during the school summer break to explore the full range of events and facilities at their local South Dublin library. An exciting programme of events is planned which includes story-time sessions, toddler time sessions, arts and crafts workshops, STEAM activities, drama and magic shows, and lots more. As well as access to children’s books, audio books and DVDs for all ages within the library, our website www.southdublinlibraries.ie has a host of free online resources including access to e-books, audio books and magazines. And there’s no need to worry if you’re heading off on holiday in the Republic of Ireland, because with the new national library card, books can be borrowed and returned to any public library!
For more information about the Summer Stars Reading Adventure or for details about joining the library (which is free of charge), ask at your local South Dublin library or visit www.southdublinlibraries.ie
Contact Details:
Margaret Bentley / Caroline Higgins
mbentley@sdublincoco.ie / chiggins@sdublincoco.ie / 01-4597834
About South Dublin County Council
South Dublin County Council is one of four local authority areas in the Dublin region.
The Council provides and funds a broad range of services including housing, roads, walking and cycling routes, parks and playgrounds, libraries, sports facilities, litter control, arts centres, enterprise units, fire services, community infrastructure and financial support. It also serves as a platform for local democracy with 40 councillors spread across seven electoral areas.
Bounded by the River Liffey to the North and the Dublin Mountains to the South, the County lies 16 kilometres south-west of Dublin city centre and has an administrative footprint of 223sq. kilometres.
The County has nine main villages Clondalkin, Lucan, Palmerstown, Rathfarnham, Tallaght, Templeogue, Saggart, Rathcoole and Newcastle and is bounded by adjoining counties of Wicklow, Kildare, Dublin City, Fingal and Dún Laoghaire.
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