Consultation for the Implementation of the Voter.ie Electoral Portal is Open
18 Dec 18
South Dublin County Council is proposing to provide a new electoral portal, www.voter.ie in February/March 2019. Voter.ie will only be available in the Dublin region and will provide users with the facility to check their electoral details in real time and will replacewww.checktheregister.ie
The portal will also provide users with a range of online services. Voters can
- Add themselves to the Register of Electors (new applications and first-time registration)
- Change their address
- Edit their electoral details (including citizenship changes and change of name)
- Remove themselves from the Register
- This is an additional service for Dublin residents and does not replace the current paper forms.
To find out more, please visit the Council's Consultation Portal. The consultation will remain open until the 19th of January, 2019.
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