Excavation Works in Lucan Village
The Council advises that Bretland Construction Ltd, will be carrying out ESB cable undergrounding works in Lucan Village as part of the Lucan Public Realm Scheme.
As such, the works involve excavating trenches on the road (footpath and carriageway) to place ducting to accommodate ESB power cables
We wish to notify you that the works will take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete. This schedule of works will from Monday to Friday from 7pm to 5am (evening/night). We wish to notify you that these works will commence Monday Evening the 10th of March at 7pm, in the vicinity of AIB/Garda Barracks and working towards the Methodist Church. Attached is overview map of the intended works.
Due to the nature and extent of the works involved, there will be some unavoidable disruptions. However, the Contractor endeavour to keep any disruption to a minimum and notify the affected parties prior to any works in that particular area.
The Council would appreciate your co-operation and patience whilst the Contractor carries out these works and wish to assure you that any disruption and noise will be kept to a minimum.
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