Draft Tallaght Local Area Plan Launched
On Thursday 12 September, Mayor Vicki Casserly officially launched the Proposed Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan at South Dublin County Council's headquarters in County Hall, Tallaght.
The Local Area Plan will guide the growth of Tallaght over the next six years and beyond. A six-week public consultation period on the Draft Plan is taking place between Thursday 12 September and Thursday 24 October 2019.
Tallaght has emerged over the last three decades as a centre of civic focus, playing host to major institutions, including Tallaght Hospital, Tallaght Stadium, Technological University Dublin (TUD), South Dublin County Council and the head office of the Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board.
Tallaght is also home to the Whitestown Industrial Estate, Tallaght Business Park and Broomhill Industrial Estate which serve as identifiable economic clusters and reinforce Tallaght’s position as an employment and enterprise destination of regional significance.
The potential for the Tallaght Local Area Plan is great. The regeneration lands could deliver up to 5,000 homes in the years up to 2026. With an area of 270 hectares, the full development of the Tallaght Local Area Plan could accommodate between 9,700 to 12,800 new homes; 4,700 to 12,800 additional jobs; and a population of up to 38,000 people over the next twenty years.
Daniel McLoughlin, Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council has stated that the vision for the plan is to create,
‘An inclusive and vibrant Tallaght Town Centre, a connected and accessible place with an attractive built environment for families of all kinds, workers, visitors and tourists. A place where people can live, work, visit and have fun in lively and liveable spaces.’
Mayor Vicki Casserly said,
‘The success of the plan depends on the active participation of communities, businesses and residents and I encourage all interested parties to engage in the public consultation process.'
To view the Plan and make submissions please click the link here: https://consult.sdublincoco.ie
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