Corporate Plan
About the Plan
The aim of South Dublin County Council is to make our county a vibrant and inclusive place for the people who live, visit, work and do business here, now and for the future. The Corporate Plan 2020 - 2024 provides the vision and strategic direction for the South Dublin County Council over the next five years.
Core Values
Councillors and staff of South Dublin County Council are guided by and committed to the following core values in their everyday activities.
Customer Service
We are committed to providing an accessible, courteous, consistent, impartial and responsive service.
We will act in a responsible, sustainable way regarding finance, the environment, community affairs and socio-economic issues.
Inclusiveness, equality and accessibility
We will prioritise social inclusion, equality of access and opportunity, and the needs of the most vulnerable people in society when we design and deliver services.
Innovation, creativity and diversity
We will look at new, creative and different ways to deliver services and solve problems, and will encourage the people, groups and organisations we work with to do the same.
Accountability and transparency
We will communicate clearly and openly with people, and we will be transparent in all our decision-making.
Value for money
We will use our resources efficiently, and we will continually review and evaluate our performance.
During consultations with the public and key stakeholders to prepare this Corporate Plan, a number of themes emerged. These themes cut across various services and activities, and have influences the objectives of this plan. They are outlined below.
Quality service delivery
The opportunities created by technological advances enable us to improve how we deliver our services. Our focus will be on continually improving the quality of customer service, making services more accessible by using the advances in technology, listening more to service users’ feedback, and ensuring value for money.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Delivering the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan demands a whole-of-council approach, as climate actions involve several departments and sections within the Council. As a result, we have established climate action teams across the whole organisation.
Economic development
Supporting the economic development of South Dublin County is at the heart of everything we do. We work to facilitate investment and enterprise, which helps to create sustainable employment, which, in turn, supports our communities and contributes to the competitive urban economy within the capital.
Social inclusion, equality and human rights
Social inclusion and integration create a fair society where everyone is accepted for who they are. Everyone can take part in society without having to give up their cultural identity. Promoting these principles is important ongoing work for the Council.
Citizens engagement
Engaging with the people who live in this county and those who use Council services will remain a major consideration in the design and delivery of our services. This helps us to ensure that our services meet the needs of the county and its citizens. We will continue to develop new ways to engage with our citizens in order to build civic capacity and support community leadership.
Health and wellbeing
The Council actively supports the Healthy Ireland goals (national health policy goals) where health and well-being are valued and supported at every level of society. As a local authority, we can support the health and well-being goals in a meaningful way through our work in inclusion, arts, cultural and recreational activities, library services, employment creation and enterprise support, housing supply, community, sports and leisure services and facilities.
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