Contact and Collect at South Dublin Libraries
08 Jun 20
South Dublin Libraries will operate a 'Contact and Collect' service as part of the phased re-opening of libraries from 8th June. All our libraries will be taking part in this scheme so you will be able to contact your local library and speak to the staff.
We will be adhering to government guidelines on opening our service so that we do not compromise the safety of our public and our staff. We ask our patrons to for their patience while we develop and roll out the services we can deliver for and to you over the next few months.
How it works
- If you are interested in a particular author, genre, or title, contact your local library by phone or email. Please include your library card number and name.
- If the particular book you want is not available, staff will endeavour to choose an item that is by the same author or in the same genre.
- Library staff will give you a collection date and time at the time of the phone call or by return email.
- To manage queues safely for all and in line with social distancing requirements, we ask that you come to the library at the time arranged.
- If you cannot come at the appointed time for whatever reason, please contact the library and you will be given an alternative collection time.
- Staff at the collection desk in each library can only deal with collections – they cannot deal with queries. You can phone the branch or email with queries.
You cannot come into the library to browse the books.
Click here for more information on opening hours and a FAQ on contact and collect.
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Coronavirus Covid-19 Information
2 Apr 20