Comórtas Filíochta 2023 Leabharlainne Átha Cliath Theas: South Dublin Libraries Irish Language Poetry Competition
Duaiseanna / Prizes: 1st Place €150, 2nd Place €100, 3rd Place €50
Oscailte do dhaoine thar 16bl atá ina cónaí ar oileann na hÉireann. / Open to anyone over the age of 16 years living on the island of Ireland.
Ghlacfar le dhá dhán (uasmhéid 40 líne) ar théama ar bith ón 1ú Márta 2023 tríd r-phoist amháin chuig librarycomms@sdublincoco.ie / Two poems (max length 40 lines) on any theme will be accepted by email only at librarycomms@sdublincoco.ie from 1st March 2023.
Dáta deiridh d’iontráil ná 7ú Aibreán 2023. Ní ghlacfar le haon iontráil I ndiaidh an dáta seo. /The closing date for entries is 7th April 2023. No entries will be accepted after this date.
Fógraítear gearrliosta ar an 19ú Aibreán 2023 agus na buaiteoirí ar an 27ú Aibreán 2023, Lá Éigse Éireann.
The shortlist will be announced on 19th April 2023 and thewinners will be announced on Poetry Day Ireland, 27th April 2023.
Rialach agus Foirm Iontrál ar fáil ar www.southdublinlibraries.ie / Full rules and entry form available on www.southdublinlibraries.ie
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