Chief Executive's Report - July 2023
14 Jul 23
South Dublin County Council’s Chief Executive’s Report is presented to elected members at Council every month and details important achievements across our various departments whilst highlighting key statistics and images from events that took place that month. The report also highlights major news pieces and puts a focus on an area of the Council that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.
This month's report includes news on-:
- Killinarden Park - Nicholas de Jong Associates Urban Design to lead and manage the redesign and upgrade of Killinarden Park
- Annual Meeting - New Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected at Annual Meeting on Friday 30 June
- 300K - Have Your Say Results were announced in the 300K - Have Your Say participatory initiative for Tallaght South and Saggart area
- Council Focus - Customer Service Redesign - Housing Customer Centre opening and Concourse refurbishment
You can download or view a copy of the Chief Executive's Report by clicking here
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Choice Based Letting 14/7/23
14 Jul 23