Bealtaine Festival – May 2021
Every year South Dublin County Council promotes and celebrates the Bealtaine Festival during the month of May. Bealtaine is a festival celebrating older adults. Each year, Age & Opportunity invites local authorities, arts centres, libraries, Active Retirement groups, care settings, community groups and clubs, associations from every part of the country to run Bealtaine events that celebrate creativity as we age.
The theme of this year’s Bealtaine Festival is “Keep yourself connected with the world from your home”. This year, our aim is to include as many people as possible from the comfort of their own homes, especially to include those without access to internet.
We are inviting expressions of interest from all Active Retired Groups to host an event/ activity for older members of your community during the month of May. All event organisers must ensure that their event is on-line, or alternatively events must be adhering to the public health guidelines that may be in place at the time.
On submitting your proposal it should be noted that Bealtaine is an arts and culture festival, “Celebrating the Arts and creativity as you age”. Consideration will be given to all other proposals however priority will be given to proposals based around art and creativity.
South Dublin County Council will supply a grant towards the expenses incurred. All events will be promoted on South Dublin County Council’s website, and through the Bealtaine Festival Brochure.
If you are interested in hosting an event or activity please complete the proposal form on the link below by Friday 26th March at 4.00 pm. If you have any problems accessing the online form, please email socialinclusionunit@sdublincoco.ie.
Proposal Form (https://secure.southdublin.ie/Forms/Item/69)
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