Annual Service Delivery Plan 2022 Presented to Council
The 2022 Annual Service Delivery Plan (ASDP) has been delivered to elected members at February’s Council meeting.
The purpose of the Annual Service Delivery Plan is to identify the key services that South Dublin County Council intends to deliver during 2022. This Service Delivery Plan details our commitments and plans for the year ahead and a graphic summary of the detailed plan is delivered to every household, business and school in the County through the Citizen’s Newsletter each summer.
You can view or download your copy of the 2022 Annual Service Delivery Plan by clicking here.
A Transformative Year
This year’s Service Delivery Plan is a transformative strategy for both the County and Council as we update how we serve you and continue to develop an active, inclusive and innovative South Dublin County. A key element of the ASDP 2022 is the delivery of a Customer and Digital Services Transformation Strategy to enhance our service for everyone who interacts with the Council. This, along with other initiatives, should ensure the Council delivers a high quality 24/7 customer service for the people of South Dublin County.
We will strengthen local democracy through developing webcasting and hybrid Council meetings whilst raising citizen awareness of the importance of participation in politics.
Providing affordable homes will continue to be a focus of the Council in 2022 with the progression of works at Killinarden, Kilcarbery and other areas. The Council will support the wide variety of communities in our County through our Healthy County Framework, Age-Friendly Strategy, South Dublin libraries service, arts strategy and other areas. The ASDP also lists how we will meet the challenges of climate change by delivering 125 climate action initiatives while continuing to improve the appearance of the County and promote it as a destination for tourism and enterprise.
Among the targets we have set for the year ahead are planting 3,000 trees across the County, upgrading 1,700 public lights to LED and providing €400,000 in business support. We will seek to grow the membership of our libraries to 33,000 people.
Reporting to You
Each year, the Council adopts a Service Delivery Plan with specific targets based on the objectives in the five-year Corporate Plan.
At the end of each year, we produce a report setting out the Corporate Plan achievements for the past year. You can see an update on this report in last month’s Chief Executive’s Report. Elected members review this progress before the Annual Report for that year is published. We publish this on our website and copies are also available on request from your local library.
The ASDP is structured per the Corporate Plan with details provided on the objectives and supporting strategies for that area as well as the specific capital works projects planned and the accompanying performance indicators.
You can view or download your copy of the 2022 Annual Service Delivery Plan by clicking here.
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