2019 National Spring Clean supported by South Dublin County Council
The National Spring Clean campaign is Ireland’s largest and longest running anti-litter campaign.
In 2019 the initiative celebrates its 21st Year and to celebrate this milestone in South Dublin County the students and staff of TU Dublin Tallaght assisted the Mayor of South Dublin County Council Cllr Mark Ward in launching the initiative in TU Dublin Tallaght on 20 March 2019. At the launch Mayor Cllr Mark Ward commented:
“The National Spring Clean turns 21 this year and it fills me with hope to see it going from strength to strength each year. It’s great to see communities from Dublin and across Ireland tackle the problem of litter in their local areas. This year we want to raise awareness about the link between litter and climate change, and to show how combined local actions can have a global effect”
National Spring clean is organised by An Taisce and supported by South Dublin County Council who help co-ordinate clean-up activities for communities in the County and organise for the disposal of all rubbish and waste materials collected. All those wishing to take part in the campaign should register on www.nationalspringclean.org or 01 4002219.
In addition to the materials supplied by National Spring Clean, local groups who wish to carry out local environmental enhancements, can avail of support materials through the Council’s Social Credits Scheme which supports volunteers with clean up supplies, as well as materials to start up community gardens and much more. We also supply communities for promotional purposes, with reusable cups under our Conscious Cups campaign. Groups can also avail of Green Dog Walker pledge cards which encourage all dog owners to take responsibility for their dogs while out in the community. For more information on these initiatives please visit www.sdcc.ie.
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