2018 55 plus Daily Activity Brochure
South Dublin County Council are pleased to announce the publication of the new edition of the 55+ Daily Activity booklet 2018. We’d like to thank the many community & voluntary groups / organisations listed in the booklet for their positive feedback. We have also had very positive support and feedback from service providers such as: GPs, Hospitals, and HSE Services for older people, Garda Stations, MABS, Carers Assoc., and Citizen Information Services. Bringing this information into the public domain has shown the need not only to provide older people with information but the benefits that can be gained by sharing this resource with other services and agencies.
The 55+ Daily Activity booklet was first produced by South Dublin County Council’s Community Development Team in 2015. The purpose of the booklet is to help older people find information on what’s going on every day in their local areas. Essentially the 55+ Daily Activity booklet is a snap shot of just some of the many community and voluntary groups organising activities for older people across South Dublin County. Inside the booklet you will find information from where older people can go simply for a chat and a cuppa or take part in a range of recreational, educational, social and leisure activities.
South Dublin County Council’s Community Development Team with Tallaght Hospital are hosting an Information Seminar on Mental Health for aged 55+ @ County Library Tallaght on Wednesday 16th May 2018 and booking is essential.
You can download a copy of the booklet here. You can also contact Valerie Brien 086 850 2194 or Frank Price 086 606 3683 or Su Clarke on 086 806 3688 for a copy.