Today, April 12th we will be using the hashtag #YourCouncilDay on all our social media accounts to talk about some of the services that we and other city and county councils provide.
We think it’s important that you know what your council does, the services we provide to you, and the responsibilities we have.
From business supports to road maintenance, from housing to economic development, Councils have a very broad remit and we want to show you what a typical day looks like across all our services.
Please join throughout the day and talk to us about the services we are providing in your community.
You will always find information about the services we provide and information on how to access them on our website
Follow us on Twitter at: @sdcublincoco Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/SouthDublinCountyCouncil/ and Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sdbulincoco
This event is being run in collaboration with local authorities nationwide.
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