
Éire Ildánach

Creative Ireland


We invite emerging creative/artistic individuals, ensembles, and collectives to submit proposals for the Incubation Award 2025 as part of the Creative Ireland South Dublin Programme.


This Creative Ireland South Dublin initiative seeks to support emerging ensembles/collectives and individual young artists and creatives, in any discipline or working across cultural and creative disciplines to:

Develop their practice

To promote their presence as a creative voice in South Dublin County.


The amount of the award is €5000. It is available to young people under 25 years who are living in the South Dublin County Council’s Administrative Area.


  • Artists/creatives must be under the age of 25 and live in South Dublin County Council Administrative Area
  • Any applicant may receive a maximum of three incubation awards.
  • There must be an element of community or public engagement to the proposal.
  • Any associated events with the project must take place within the South Dublin County Administrative Area. It is the responsibility of the applicant groups to verify the administrative area in which they reside.
  • Funding may be used to support the practice of young artists and creatives. It may include mentoring, the purchase of specialised equipment / materials to create new work / travel to events that are useful to the applicant’s practice / attendance at masterclasses / to fund an exhibition / performance of new work / to fund research for the making of new work.


Funding may not be used to fund;

-Competitions (entry or travel to)

-Third level undergraduate studies

-An artist to work with a school or youth service based group. (For more information on funding available for this area, please contact the Arts Office.)

Funding provided by Creative Ireland must be acknowledged in all publicity material associated with the work. Logos are available from the South Dublin County Council Arts Office.

Applicants awarded funding will be asked to present to the SDCC arts office team or to the Creative Ireland Culture and Creativity team in the year after the receive funding.

South Dublin County Council reserves the right to publicise the awarding of the fund. Successful applicants may be asked to be available for promotional material.

-The selection panel reserves the right not to grant an award if the standard of applications does not satisfy the criteria of the award in full.

-Applications and information will be kept on file for no longer than 12 months.

-All projects must be completed in 2025. All project reports must be completed within 2 weeks of the project ending date. A report must be submitted to the creative Communities Engagement Officer by Nov. 1 2025.

-Individuals/Organisations are responsible for their own project management, insurance, risk assessment and any other administration and paperwork related to the funded project.

-All individuals working with children and young people must be appropriately Garda Vetted. Individual artists/organisations are responsible for Garda Vetting. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy must be in place and available upon request. You are responsible for this.


For questions, please contact Eithne Swaine, Creative Communities Engagement Officer:

Apply-Now Link

Advancing Creative Communities in South Dublin County


Creative Ireland South Dublin are delighted to announce the recipients of the following awards in the second half of 2024.

Film Award

Daragh Goan’s sort film project Memoryhole was selected forthis highly competitive and anticipated award of €10000 . Daragh and his team have already been busy filming, with editing and postproduction expected to continue into early 2025. We expect to see a lot more of Daragh’s work in the future!


The Incubation Award 2024

Dafhyd Flynn has received the Creative Ireland South Dublin Incubation Award of €5000 to Develop his artistic practice and promote his presence as a creative voice in South Dublin County. We wish Dafhyd the very best of luck with his acting and screenwriting projects and look forward to seeing more of his work over the coming year.


Artist in Collaborative Practice Award 2024

Alan James Burns received the research and development award of €5000 for their textual and sound project: I, Clondalkin. This climate arts project will be focused in the decarbonizing zone in Clondalkin, with Alan collaborating with the Decarbonizing Zone community and Codema, with a particular focus on disability.

Josue Reis has received the project award of €10000 with his project Voices in Motion, a collaborative dance project that engages a group of young people aged 8-12 from Quarryvale Community Centre.


Schools Culture Award 2024

The schools culture award offers schools an opportunity to apply for up to €2000 to engage an artist in a cultural project with their students. This year St.Marks Community School, St.Roses NS, St.Maelruain SNS, Scoil Aoife and Year of Art were each awarded €2000 for art and drama projects. We look forward to hearing the progress and seeing what the students create in the 2025.


Mural Award 2024

Startbright childcare and early learning service, Balgaddy, with artist Emmalane Blake received an award of €6000 for their mural project on the exterior of their building.

Creative Connections received an award of €10000 for their community mural project in Jobstown which will be created in collaboration with young men in the area.



Creative Ireland South Dublin is funded by Creative Ireland, Creative Ireland is a culture-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing for more information on the Creative Ireland programme please see: Creative Ireland - Connecting people, creativity and wellbeing

For South Dublin County Council’s Culture and Creativity Strategy please see: culture-creativity-strategy-2023-2027.pdf

If you have any questions regarding the South Dublin Creative Ireland programme or award schemes please contact: Eithne Swaine,